On location in New Mexico with the cast and crew of “Vegas”, part 2

While Director/Producer David Naylor heads up our Creative Content Group, he’s supported by a number of talented people who all contribute to the final ‘value-added material’ which you and I enjoy not only in bonus features, but also in promotional videos and Electronic Press Kits.

On the Vegas shoot, Giant’s Art Director Kevin Powell stepped into a familiar role as DP.

Kevin Powell worked day...


...and night on the set of "Vegas" to capture some great behind-the-scenes footage.












Kevin has extensive experience behind the camera, and while we’ll need to wait to see the results of David’s interviews and conversations with the stars, producers and writer of Vegas, we can get a little peek at what the team captured in this promotional video released by CBS.

David also sat down with Ralph Lamb, whose years as Las Vegas sheriff in inspired the show.

Ralph Lamb and David Naylor talk on the set of "Vegas".
Gene Bell, David Naylor and Ralph Lamb (l-r)





That’s going to be an interesting interview!

We’ll share more photos as they become available. Thanks for checking in.

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