Industry News & Updates
Giant Becomes Newest iTunes TV & Movie Aggregator
A Giant Step in Digital and Distribution Services Giant Interactive has been designated as the newest content aggregator for iTunes TV and Movies, enabling Giant
Giant Celebrates 10 Years of Service!
From Disc to Digital to OTT…Ever Changing, Always Adapting “Ten years is a long time in such a dynamic and ever-changing business as this,” noted
More Streaming, More OTT Are In Your Future, As Viewer or Distributor
Without question, audiences are increasingly turning to streaming options when it comes to video-based entertainment. More than a few studies have been reported, recently, which
“…[O]n the cusp of the next major evolutionary growth phase…”
If you draw a circle which contains all things entertainment and a second which contains all things technology, the area where those things overlap (the
Five Steps to App Development Success
App marketplace is booming and it seems that every organization, from media companies to sports leagues, non-profits to entrepreneurs, is thinking about making an app.
2015 Home Media Magazine Awards Ballot — Vote Early & Often
Each year we look forward to seeing the ballot for the Home Media Magazine Awards. It’s exciting to see the projects on which we’ve collaborated with our