Industry News & Updates
Giant Loves Indie Film
Giant began 2012 with a new presence in the world of social media. Over the past nine months, we’ve planted our flag in the Twitterverse,
A Second Golden Age of Television…Delivered Digitally
Fast on the tail of the WSJ article about Binge TV viewing comes another TV-viewing-related news item in which Neilsen reports that Netflix customers are
TV Seasons on Fast Forward
I couldn’t help but smile when I saw this headline in the WSJ this morning, Binge Viewing: TV’s Lost Weekends, because it put a name
Curiosity About the Future of DVD Continues
I’ve had a number of conversations in the last several days wherein the client (or neighbor or family member) asks for my thoughts on the
The Future of iOS Is Now in the Hands of Children
There’s been big news in the iOS world recently. The tech world was set abuzz by the news coming out of the WWDC, including the
TV on Blu-ray? Why Not?
A recent question on posed an interesting question: Why Isn’t More TV Released on Blu-ray? We know a thing or two about producing whole