Industry News & Updates
Tablets Go To The Head of the Class, Part II
On the eve of Apple’s big event tomorrow, the technology media is all a twitter with what new marvel may or may not be announced
Tablets Go To The Head of the Class?
As pleased as I am to upgrade my own tablet later this month, I’m just as excited about the potential for this device, and others
Bonus Is Off the Disc!
Much as been written about how the home entertainment industry is experiencing significant change, initiated by the changing tastes and habits of the entertainment-seeking public
The App Experience as the Story of a Happy User
One of the most interesting ideas that Walt Disney contributed to the theme park business is that storytelling can be the center of the patron
Tablets In Education, A 2000 Year Old Idea
Today is the day that the iPhone 5 releases and there have been many breathless articles in tech and mainstream media about the new phone,
The Tech That Ate Hollywood: VOD On The Rise
Despite the promising disc sales numbers recently reported (and discussed here), the VOD marketplace segment shows no sign of halting its growth lessening its assumption