Giant Celebrates 10 Years of Service!

From Disc to Digital to OTT…Ever Changing, Always Adapting 10th ann “Ten years is a long time in such a dynamic and ever-changing business as this,” noted President Jeff Stabenau. “I’m proud of both what the Giant team has accomplished and excited about what we have planned for the next decade.” Founded in April 2005, Giant Interactive began as an entrepreneurial venture in the Meatpacking district of New York, an area that soon became the tech center of New York with nearby Google anchoring the neighborhood. With co-founder, David Anthony, and long-time colleague Meri Hassouni, Giant Interactive launched as a DVD studio servicing NY-based clients. Meri, now Vice President of Client Services, was instrumental in guiding Giant through years of growth, evolution and service to Giant’s clients. “Our high level of service and project management is a key differentiator,” she explained. “Giant project managers become ‘clients’ within the company, advocating, nurturing and supervising every step of the project.” Clearly it’s a recipe which works; today, Giant Interactive includes a Denver development and design studio and a Los Angeles digital services hub staffed by nearly forty designers, developers, QC technicians, authors, digital technicians, project managers and filmmakers. What makes the “Giant” difference? Creative Director Sean Anderson, one of Giant’s longest serving employees, offered this thought: “Every one of us is passionate about film, TV, video…the visual medium, as well as how technology can enhance and amplify that experience. As discs have given way to digital and now online video and OTT initiatives, it’s been exciting to adapt our focus to keep pace.” Of course, a milestone anniversary such as this would not be possible without the trust placed in us by each and every client, from the independent filmmaker to the Fortune 100 studio client. “Our success is really the story of our clients’ success and innovation,” explained Stabenau. “This celebration is as much a ‘giant’ thank you to them as it is the recognition of business longevity.”

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