Giant Becomes Newest iTunes TV & Movie Aggregator

A Giant Step in Digital and Distribution Services Avail on itunesGiant Interactive has been designated as the newest content aggregator for iTunes TV and Movies, enabling Giant to not only offer first tier digital production services, but also distribution in both the domestic and international stores. As a digital studio delivering to the iTunes Store over many years, Giant Interactive has enjoyed a highly successful business relationship with Apple. Building on years of excellent delivery metrics, as well as a commitment to high service standards, this partnership continues to expand and evolve. Said President Jeff Stabenau, “I’ve always envisioned Giant as a company dedicated to preparing content for distribution, whether on physical media or digitally. We started, 10 years ago, as a DVD authoring studio, but as the market, technology, client needs and customer tastes have changed, we’ve been adapting and evolving. This new partnership with Apple and the iTunes store is just the next step in realizing this vision”. Looking to bring your content to one of the most popular digital entertainment distribution services in the world? Take a Giant step with us!

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