“…[O]n the cusp of the next major evolutionary growth phase…”

NAB Show, produced by the National Association of Broadcasters, is an annual event held in Las Vegas. Over 100,000 attendees are expected.

If you draw a circle which contains all things entertainment and a second which contains all things technology, the area where those things overlap (the venerable and oft-used Venn diagram) would be the NAB Show, just now wrapping up in Las Vegas.

Reports from the Giants who attended this annual Las Vegas event tell of a huge increase in activity and interest in Over-the-Top initiatives. OTT seemed to be the subject of about 50% of the conversations had on the floor, if anecdotal evidence is to be trusted. Indeed, it’s not hard to believe that OTT and online video was on the tip of everyone’s tongue.

There’s been plenty going on in the OTT space leading up to and during the convention:

With such powerful brands leading the way, it’s not hard to see the direction we can expect from the rest of industry, and most importantly, consumers.

OTT GraphThere’s no question that Americans and audiences the world over are shifting their viewing behavior toward OTT (non-linear) TV. The explosive growth of the past five years, which has taken OTT from $0 to $51B globally, is expected to continue on a similar trajectory, lead by the US and the Asia/Pacific region.

It’s a revolution in the way we consumer entertainment, without a doubt:

“We are on the cusp of the next major evolutionary growth phase in visual entertainment,” added Ed Barton, Ovum’s head of TV research and analysis. “As the industry hunts for opportunities to address slowing traditional TV subscription revenues, the major trends in technology, audience consumption, and service evolution offer glimpses of a brighter future. We see a shift in how TV is increasingly addressing individuals rather than households, and how the merging of online and broadcast advertising technologies and the on-going hunger for true ‘Martini TV’ – any time, any place, anywhere – from the audience offers significant incremental revenue opportunities. The proliferation of linear SVOD from traditional TV is just one part of this shift which underpins our firmly held view: TV’s best days lie ahead.”




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