Companion app? Second screen app?Are they different? Are they the same? These two terms are seemingly used interchangeably. Tech blogs certainly treat them as equivalent and even industry veterans seem to regard them as synonymous. Yet I submit that there is a difference in meaning and while all companion apps are second screen apps, not every second screen app is a companion app. Two years ago, publications such as Variety lumped the terms together:
Even Wikipedia’s definition regards them as the same. True, the two terms may have started as two sides to the same coin, but much has changed as the smartphone and the tablet have evolved and gain ubiquity. Now, nearly two years later, the whole app phenomenon has moved light years beyond where it was in 2011. Apps are mainstream. Television channels are releasing their own apps to complement their entire programming schedule and individual shows are publishing apps to engage, inspire and interest their audiences. MESA’s 2nd Screen Society provides a good definition of a ‘second screen’ in their helpful Lexicon page: “A companion experience in which a consumer engages in relevant content on a second device, such as a smartphone, tablet or laptop while watching something on the “first screen” (typically a television but not limited to the living room).” [Emphasis added – RB]