Adam Yauch: Appreciation

We were all saddened to hear of the passing of Adam Yauch on Friday. Giant Interactive is pleased and honored to count Oscilloscope Laboratories among our clients and though we didn’t work with Mr. Yauch directly, I think all of us got a sense of his energy and passion from working with the Oscilloscope team.

While there will be others who write of his passing with greater eloquence and knowledge, for myself I can say that Mr. Yauch and his fellow Beastie Boys definitely had an impact on my life. The Beastie Boys and Run DMC were the first rap groups to be heard by these tender suburban ears and they certainly opened my musical tastes to far greater vistas than they’d previously been aware.

His work as an social activist is perhaps one of the best examples of a musician using their public profile on behalf of the forces of good. Identifying a wrong and taking a public stand takes courage. His support of the Dalai Lama (see O-Scope Labs’ release Compassion in Emptiness) delivered knowledge and inspiration to a larger audience, myself included.

His success as an entrepreneur and businessman was also something to be admired. In an age where seemingly every rock star and celebrity has a label, a company and an clothing line, Mr. Yauch led by example, picking quality films and building a team which has had a profoundly positive impact on the indie world.

We offer our condolences to Mr. Yauch’s family, coworkers and friends.

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