The Digital Entertainment Group’s very positive YOY Q2 numbers were reported in a number of publications, including Variety and Home Media Magazine. Consumers reversed the seemingly inexorable trend downward by showing a renewed interest in Blu-ray, DVD, EST and VOD, which is welcome news for everyone — studio executives, VOD platforms and digital studios (like Giant) alike. Overall, home entertainment sales were up a strong 4%, buoyed by a very strong showing by Blu-ray. Now this or. our favorite source for disc sales information, the Home Media Magazine Total Disc Sales Revenue Chart (available here). we see a surprising 35% of disc sales were Blu-rays for the quarter. In the last week reported, they comprised 45% of the market, as shown to the right. Some noted that the strong Blu-ray showing coincided with the release of UHD Blu-ray:
Nevertheless, it’s proof positive that the physical media market is still a vibrant contributor to the home entertainment marketplace. Even with the growth of VOD, EST and SVOD options which address that immediate need to what what they want when they want it, consumers also still recognize that the best viewing experience can often still be found on disc.