Netflix has been the lightning rod of the VOD revolution for a long time, whether for good or ill. As a subscriber since 2000, I’ve
“Once past the “near term,” however, things look a little different.” That sounds ominous. Back in 2011, during the Quikster debacle, I joined many who wondered whether Netflix could survive this significant misstep in the face of growing competition. Yet Reed Hastings has managed to put off a recovery and continued to dominate the market with what is arguably the best selection of content available in the marketplace. (Note I’m not claiming they have an exhaustive content selection. There ARE too many other competitors in the marketplace for Netflix to make this claim and even I’ve added Amazon and Hulu to my VOD choices in order to access content Netflix doesn’t offer.) Yet Netflix is very nearly the ‘default’ choice when it comes to VOD streaming.
My advice back in February 2011 was that Netflix should continue to broaden the streaming choices, mend fences with the studios, provide service and selection and most importantly remember who their customers are. It seems like they’ve accomplished three out of four. While a myriad of choices exist for the tech-savvy consumer, I have a feeling that Netflix’s core audience will value convenience more than anything else. I initially signed up to avoid having the darken the door of another poorly stocked video store, staffed by the uninformed and disinterested. My Netflix queue stands at over 100 titles, despite several ruthless purges. Yet the kernel of truth in the analysts warnings can be seen in the streaming habits in my living room too. I’ve been using Hulu to catch up on Community (and enjoying it tremendously, I might add) and my wife’s been diving into some of the Hulu exclusive series such as Endgame. It think it’s too early to write off Netflix, certainly for the near term. If Netflix can successfully mend fences with the studios, avoiding, at least, a shut-out of current content, then I think there will be a healthy life ahead. Unfortunately for the leader of any pack, whether runners in a marathon or crabs in a bucket, there are always plenty of competitors looking to pass you (well, except for this guy). Slow and steady, Netflix. I’m with you. Edit: Spelling corrections, including “Reed” Hastings.